CEO - Geo Recursos Mineros , PhD University College London, CEng (UK), ex-deputy director National Geology and Mining Service (SERNAGEOMIN), with over 35 years experience in the identification, negotiation, feasibility evaluation of mining projects.
Director Mineral Resources, lawyer, Catholic University of Chile, Councilor National Society of Mining (Sonami), former Undersecretary for Mining, Director of Public Policy for Freedom and Development, with over 20 years experience in both the public and private sectors. Has extensive legal profession experience, especially in matters of corporate governance, and has participated in various directories in both public and private corporations, including family businessess.
Director Geo Recursos Mineros, civil and industrial engineer - Catholic University of Chile, MBA - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT - USA). Extensive experience in business administration, especially in mining (executive vice president of the Chilean Copper Commission - Cochilco), energy (manager EMEC), general manager San Juan Energy - Argentina), infrastructure (CEO - tag) consulting and tourism (President - High Atacama).